TOP 5 – Simple Halloween Treats DIY (No Effort Required)

Looking for: Creative & Delicious Treats for Home, Office or Classroom Parties?



Round Crackers, Raisins, Cream Cheese, Whole Almonds, Sliced Almonds.


Easy & Delicious Owl Cracker Treats

Spread  cream cheese large cracker,

Press on a pair of mini round cracker eyes (or pull apart a Ritz Bits sandwich and use a half for each eye) & attach raisin pupils with a dab of cream cheese.

Finish by pressing on an almond beak and almond-slice feathers.

Scroll down to see video and links! 


Carrots, Humus, Toothpicks, Parsley

healthy snacks Halloween school kids lunch

Slice carrots into disks, slide them on toothpicks with a piece of parsley (for the “pumpkin stem”),

Use your favorite humus dip to create about a 1 Inch layer on a serving dish.

Stick in your cute lil’ carrot treats and serve!

You could also lay these on a plate with a serving dish of ranch for dip or add them to the kids’ lunchbox as a healthy side.

3. BOO-NANA POPSbanana-pops-diy-healthy-snack

All you need is:


Popsicle Sticks


Mini Chocolate Chips.

Slice Bananas in half, dip, add the chips (for eyes) and freeze!


healthy-snack-for-halloween-kids-classroom-diy-easyIs it just me or do those cookie cutter things never produce anything other than blob shaped cookies? Well even if you have the gift of baking, you can save time by cutting corners. Literally! Just put those cookie cutters to good use by serving up some sliced cheese in fun Halloween shapes – or get creative! Use can use on toast, sandwiches, anything you can think of! 

Want to serve something a little sweeter to really win them over? You can buy or bake a thin moist brownie sheet cake, and  use your cookie cutters to create a quick, Halloweeny themed snack!



Cute for kids of all ages! and if you need an alternative for adding the frosting, here is the easiest, oldest trick in the book! Well…in terms of frosting anyway. Just grab a snack plastic baggy, scoop some frosting into the bag and push to one corner. then twist up the bag and poke a hole using a toothpick or the tip of a steak knife to create an opening.


Click Here & See how to make the Owl Treats courtesy of

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Avocado salad dressing

Chef in disguise

Avocado salad dressing chef in disguise
The first Monday of the month always brings our secret recipe club reveal and for this month, I was assigned Edesia’s notebook. Lesa, the wonderful lady behind the blog lives in Wisconsin and has two adorable daughters. She loves trying out new recipes and that is why she started her blog in 2007, to keep track of all the recipes she experiments with. It was not easy choosing just one recipe but since It’s been a while since I last posted a salad dressing I ended up making her avocado salad dressing. 
You say avocado and most people would shrink away worried about the fat content but what many don’t know is that avocados are really a power house in nutrition. They are rich in fiber,  healthy fats (monounsaturated oleic acid, a “heart healthy” fatty acid that is believed to be one of the main reasons for the health…

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starbucks danoi how to diyGood Morning! What’s a better way to start the day than with a $5 Starbucks bev? Starting it off with a 32 cents Frapp! Making your own Starbucks drinks at home is not only easy and delicious but over the course of a year could save you up to $1,343! (That’s about a %92 cheaper!)

Starbucks Frappuccino


      1 Cup Double-strength Starbucks coffee OR 3/4 cup fresh espresso (cold)
      3/4 C Milk
      3 Tbs Sugar (or to taste)
      2 Cups Ice
             Pinch of xanthan gum OR 1 tsp dry pectin


  1. Brew Coffee.
  2. Combine ingredients in a cup, give a quick stir and put in blender, adding the ice last. Blend for about 10 seconds.
  3. Swirl caramel, mocha, or desired syrup around the inside of cup and pour.

Top with whip cream and chocolate syrup, if desired!


Give us a like, share or comment and let us know what else you’d like to see here. Maybe some good gluten free recipes or the super secret goodness of the seasonal favorite Pumpkin Spice Lattes..?

Harvesting the Last Days of Summer

Eat, Play, Love

This has been a beautiful week! For the first time in recent memory, our annual trip to an apple farm was done wearing shorts and t-shirts. And we’re not complaining! We’ll take this summer-like weather as long as we can get it. onions

So to keep up the guise of summer, we’ve been enjoying the end of summer’s harvest with our meals. Today’s recipe is reminiscent of our trip to Michigan in August. On the last afternoon of our vacation, we enjoyed a wonderful gourmet pizza at a local winery. We’ve since recreated it at home several times. While the prep time is a little lengthy, Mike and I think this Summer Harvest Pizza is worth the effort. balsamic caramelized onions

We start the meal prep early in the day by making a semolina pizza crust. We use my bread machine to simplify the process. The dough recipe makes enough for three large pizzas…

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Hello! Welcome to Breaking Bread!

Breaking Bread is the Official Da Noi Nyc Blog for Savvy and Sophisticated Food Lovers. We’re all about helpful tips, DIY, Food Life Hacks, Wine, Italian, Home Cooking, Recipes, Hosting and any occasion that allows for a little bread breaking among quality folk.